The United Plumbing, Heating, Air and Electric Blog

5 Most Common Electrical Code Violations

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Whether your outdated electrical system has finally caught up to you, and you’re experiencing some unexplained electrical problems or whether your last amature attempt to fix that old lightswitch gave you more of a shock than you bargained for, electrical code violations can put your family at risk as well as your home. Your home’s… Read more »

Things to Consider before installing a new heating system

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When that moment finally comes and your home’s old furnace repairs or breaks, there are a few things you’ll want to consider before you go out, purchase and install a new home heating system. Here is what we ask our customers to consider when navigating the world of new and improved heating systems: Heating fuel…. Read more »

Your HVAC Maintenance Checklist


Maintaining your home’s HVAC system is easier than you think. Although you don’t ever see it, your cooling and heating system are made up of many complex, intricate parts, and in order to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winters without costing you an arm and a leg in energy… Read more »

Stop Hiding Things in Your HVAC Vents and Ducts!

Hiding in the ducts

We’ve all seen the movie and TV scenes where the characters hide their valuables in their home or a building’s ductwork. You know what I’m talking about—the action star reaches for a stack of cash and his gun by loosening the vent covers and grabbing the items he left there, helping him get away from… Read more »

6 Factors that Affect Your Home’s Water Pressure

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Nothing is more frustrating than hopping in your morning shower to wake yourself up, and feeling like you’ve been cheated. When your home’s water pressure is non existent or so low there might as well be no water, it’s time to take action. Low water pressure in the home is usually the result of clogged… Read more »

How Living in a Hot House could be Hurting You

The Southern California summer heat and humidity can be difficult to cope with for even the healthiest of us. For those living with heart conditions or chronic pain, it’s an even bigger challenge than you may think.  So while we sweat through a day and worry about sweat stains or frizzy hair, others have more… Read more »

Why Are My Light Switches Hot?

Warm light switches are a sign that too much electricity is running through them. Does a hot light switch mean that something is wrong? First it’s important to identify if your light switch is traditional or a dimmer. If your traditional light switch is hot to the touch it is imperative that you take action… Read more »

Troubleshooting A Dead Outlet

As you’re getting ready in the morning and plug in the hair dryer or electric shaver only to find that your electrical outlet is dead. The panic ensues and your heart drops as thoughts of wet hair, unshaven faces, and dread of calling an electrician all run through your mind. Try not to worry too… Read more »

Some Uses Of Electronic Gadgets That Uses Electricity

  The different sources that have researched about the electricity and use of the electronic gadgets they have found the improvement of technology that has made the use of electricity in the gadgets a must. The consumption of electricity by the electronic gadget is going to increase year by year. The sharing of electricity consumption… Read more »

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United Plumbing Heating Air & Electric
(760) 206-8128
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United Plumbing Heating Air & Electric
6767 Nancy Ridge Dr, Unit C
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 215-6765
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United Plumbing Heating Air & Electric
(760) 205-6837