Energy Efficient Air Conditioning
Many households use air conditioning systems which are old and run on outdated technology. As the system ages, parts wear and breakdown, and repairs costs rise. Older air conditioners need a lot of energy to run and, as they come to the end of their lifespan, they work less efficiently, leaving the householder with even higher energy bills.
If your air conditioning system is causing problems and costing you more and more, consider replacing it with a newer, energy efficient ac.
What is a High Efficiency Air Conditioner?
Newer models of air conditioners have made use of technological advances to reduce the energy required for them to run.
Energy efficient air conditioners are rated according to their energy usage. A higher SEER (seasonal energy efficiency rating) is given to the most energy efficient air conditioner while a lower SEER means a lower level of efficiency.
Older air conditioners may have an energy efficient rating of up to 10, whereas newer systems can reach a rating of 23. All residential systems manufactured after 2005 must have a minimum SEER of 13.
Each point on the rating scale means an energy saving for you.
What Benefits Does It Provide?
The average homeowner spends a significant portion of their energy costs on running their air conditioning system. Collectively, the energy needed to run the air conditioning of all Americans causes the release of hundreds of tons of CO2 into the earth’s atmosphere every year.
An energy efficient ac, coupled with some sensible behavior change, can reduce energy usage by 20-50%, saving you money on energy bills.
If you have an older model (manufactured prior to 2005) your running costs could be reduced considerably by opting to install a high efficiency air conditioner. Your costs could be reduced by up to 2/3rds and could run into hundreds of dollars a year.
Newer models will also have lower repair costs.
How Do I Know Whether an Air Conditioner Is Energy Efficient or Not?
As you would probably expect, the more efficient the air conditioner, the more expensive it is. The value in higher efficiency units is through the reduction in running costs. A householder will save money on energy bills throughout the lifespan of the system.
Also, if you have an older system, even the lower SEER systems will be much more energy efficient and it may be worthwhile considering whether to install a high efficiency air conditioner right now.
We can advise you. Call us and we can give you a free estimate on the cost of replacing your current system.